Max's Webpage

I am Max Fleming and this is my webpage. Thanks for stopping by!

About Me

Hi, I'm Max Fleming. Currently, I'm an undergraduate student at Australian National University (ANU). I'm deeply passionate about Physics and Math.

When I'm not immersed in studies, I like to spend my time playing the bagpipes and practicing Taekwondo.


Searx logo Search
Self-host privace-focused metasearch engine

Jitsi logo Meet
Self-host video conferencing

WBO logo Draw
Self-host collaborative whiteboards

My Projects

Max's Custom LARB Scripts: A customised Arch Linux Meta-Distribution based on Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts.

On a fresh Arch install run:

			curl -LO

GitHub logo Github
Other software and projects

YouTube logo Youtube and Odysee logo Odysee
Nothing here yet!

A bit of fun...

Egg Recipes Egg Recipes

Beef Want to buy some beef?... (Browser Exploitation Framework - don't click this!)

Contact Me